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Explore innovative alternatives and new technology for traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvements. 


Creative use of technology is a tool that can help us achieve better traffic flow while achieving our goals of a livable and safe environment for pedestrians. In the Blueprint, we discussed the HAWK beacon installed on Sloat and Forest View, which allows pedestrians to activate the signal for safe crossing, but keeps the roadway flowing most of the day when pedestrians are not present. Several more HAWK beacons will be installed on Sloat in the future, at the following locations by the end of 2016:


  • 21st Avenue;

  • 26th Avenue;

  • El Mirasol Place; and

  • 36th Avenue


Great Highway Closures


Great Highway closures are also a huge issue for our community, particularly because diverted traffic naturally funnels onto the lower Great Highway. Residents of the lower Great Highway have experienced heavy traffic, high speeds, and unsafe conditions during the many Great Highway closures each year. In mid-May, our office announced the installation and operation of flashing beacon lights to notify drivers of Great Highway closures. The beacons are installed at the following strategic locations, to alert drivers of closures in time to prepare an alternate route, such as using Sunset Boulevard:


  • Lincoln Way at 33rd Avenue;

  • Sloat Boulevard at Middlefield Drive;

  • Skyline Boulevard just north of John Muir Drive; and

  • Fulton Street at 33rd Avenue


SF Public Works is responsible for removing sand from the roadway, and the flashing beacons are to assist drivers when the Great Highway is closed while crews work on getting the roadway safe. Our office also sends out closure notifications to over 200 residents when we receive notice from SF Public Works. Additionally, SF Public Works operates a Twitter account that announces these closures (@SFPublicWorks). The beacons will also be beneficial to announce closures during large events that affect the Great Highway, including Sunday Streets and various marathons that take place annually.


Sunset Boulevard Signal Timing


Our office is also pleased to announce that our efforts to improve the conditions of Sunset Boulevard will be coming to fruition by the end of 2015. Due to new traffic signal installations over the past several years, the drive through Sunset Boulevard has become the source of many complaints. With the assistance of SFMTA, we developed a solution that will improve driving conditions while keeping the area safe for pedestrians.


Adding signals to Moraga and Wawona Streets will mean the complete signalization of Sunset Boulevard at all intersections of Sunset Boulevard. At the intersections that have been recently signalized (Kirkham, Moraga, Quintara, Santiago, Ulloa, Wawona and Yorba), SFMTA will install actuators to signal a light change when cars are waiting, as well as pedestrian push buttons to signal a light change when pedestrians are waiting. When no cars or pedestrians are waiting to cross east/west, the lights in the north/south direction will rest on green, which will mimic more closely the signal timing before new signals were installed.

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