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Operator Shortages


Residents frequently experienced the impacts of SFMTA’s operator shortage, particularly on the 48-Quintara and 23-Monterey lines. Late and missed runs are unacceptable, and perpetuate the mistrust of our public transit system. Muni had a prolonged shortage of qualified operators for years. However, recently the SFMTA has corrected this shortage by ramping up operator training to fill the backlog. SFMTA reports that as of the summer of 2015, they have enough operators for the rail and bus service system-wide and service delivery is at record highs.


Service Increases


On April 25th, Muni instituted the largest service increase for the system in over a decade. Improvements included reducing headways and adjusting AM, PM and mid-day frequencies on several lines to reduce crowding. Service increases in the Sunset included an increase in midday frequency for the 29-Sunset from 15 minutes to 12 minutes, which will help alleviate the crowding that takes place after schools let out near Sunset Boulevard. Additionally, SFMTA will be increasing the 48-Quintara to all-day service on the entire route, starting in 2017. More specifically, the part-time terminal on the lower Great Highway near Rivera Street will become an all-day terminal and service will be extended to the beach all day.


Transit Service Equity & Reliability


Our office continues to advocate for transit service equity for outer neighborhoods. In November 2014, voters passed Proposition A, a $500 million general obligation bond led by Supervisor Tang that would bring unprecedented investment to our transit system without increasing property taxes. Most of the funding will go toward transit infrastructure projects to make Muni more reliable and make our streets safer. Voters also passed Proposition B, a population-based set aside for transportation.


The funding is part of the City’s Transportation 2030 infrastructure investment program to invest in better roads, improved transit and safer streets throughout the City. The funds will go toward street repaving, new Muni vehicles, transit stop and route upgrades, pedestrian safety enhancements, Muni train track replacement projects, well-defined bikeways, accessibility enhancements and other infrastructure improvements.


Current progress on implementing this program includes:


L-Taraval Rapid Project: Funding the planning, design and implementation of the Muni Forward initiative on the L-Taraval line, which may include transit priority lanes, efficient stop spacing, better and safer boarding zones, and improved signage.


28-19th Avenue Rapid Project: Funding the planning, design and implementation of transit priority and pedestrian safety improvements along the route.


Find out more:


Transportation 2030



Work with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to ensure on-time and reliable Muni rail and bus service to and from the Sunset District at all times.


Muni service and reliability were frequently discussed during the Sunset District Blueprint outreach process. Switchbacks, operator shortages, crowding, and poor service during non-commute hours were among the most common issues raised by participants.




A switchback occurs when a Muni rail line does not proceed to the end of the line, but changes directions from outbound to inbound in the middle of a scheduled run. This usually occurs to address service gaps throughout the system. To recap what we addressed in the Blueprint, we worked closely with SFMTA to implement simple solutions to reduce switchback numbers, which began in June 2013. Updated switchback numbers are included below. While switchbacks continue, their numbers have decreased and we continue to advocate for SFMTA to provide reliable service to outlying neighborhoods to the end of the line.


SFMTA staff are continuing to monitor switchback information and will continue to share the data with our office. Implementation of the Muni Forward projects, as well as new rail cars and track replacement along the L-Taraval and N-Judah lines, should improve the reliability of these lines.




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