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Work with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency on pilot program to install cameras on Muni light rail vehicles to ensure that drivers yield to embarking and disembarking passengers. 

At present, the SFMTA does not have plans to install cameras to ensure drivers are yielding to embarking and disembarking passengers. Assembly Bill (AB) 1287 (Chiu) authorizes San Francisco to continue using forward facing cameras on public transit vehicles for the purposes of issuing citations for parking violations in transit only lanes.


SFMTA will analyze embarking/disembarking conditions for customers and recommend next steps. We will follow up with SFMTA on this issue to ensure there is a resolution. In the meantime, passenger boarding islands are proposed as part of the Muni Forward initiative on the L-Taraval and N-Judah lines. Passenger boarding islands help provide passengers with safe areas to board and disembark Muni light rail vehicles.

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