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Create vibrant, mixed-use development responsive to community needs on currently underutilized sites.


As new developments come online, our office will work with the Planning Department and community members to ensure that buildings offer mixed uses where possible. Currently, a development project at 2800 Sloat (near the SF Zoo) is in the process of being constructed. This represents the largest development project in the Sunset District in recent history. The project was approved by the City in 2008, and will consist of ground floor retail and 56 residential units.  Once completed, the project will offer the retail and/or restaurant services desired by residents, while also increasing our City’s housing supply.


No projects of this size are currently in the pipeline for the Sunset District. However, we encourage property owners to utilize the full list of District 4 opportunity sites to see where there may be the potential for mixed-use developments.


For the complete list of opportunity sites in District 4, please contact:


Partial list of opportunity sites:


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