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Collaborate with tourism agencies and major event organizers to promote Sunset District amenities. 


Our office recently met with San Francisco Travel to collaborate on ways to include the Sunset District in their promotional materials. Because SF Travel is a membership-based tourism company, many Sunset District merchants are not able to be featured on their website. However, over the last year, SF Travel has improved its website to include articles that feature small businesses in the Sunset. For example, they include an article on the “11 Best Bowls of Pho in San Francisco” from the Bold Italic – and 3 out of 11 of the best Pho restaurants are in the Sunset District. We are pleased about this new feature on their website and will continue to find other ways to have District 4 businesses included as part of SF Travel’s ongoing work.


We are also working to develop a guided tour of the Outer Sunset, and we will host SF Travel staff on the tour. We believe the first-hand experience of walking through our neighborhood and patronizing our district’s small businesses will bolster our partnership with the agency. Additionally, we will be sharing our Sunset District Holiday Gift Guide with the agency this year and hope they can promote the guide through their website and other outlets.


Find out more:


San Francisco Travel:


Holiday Gift Guide:

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