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Improve food access for students, families and seniors.


A new program, Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors (CHAMPSS), allows seniors to have easy access to nutritious meals at a participating restaurant. Currently, the only participating restaurant in the City is S&E Café, located at 2406 19th Ave (cross street Taraval). The program comes from the combined efforts of Self-Help for the Elderly, a community organization that has been providing meals for senior citizens since 1966, and the SF Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS). Regardless of income, adults aged 60 and above and their spouse or partner are eligible to participate in this program. This program allows seniors who are mobile to interact and share meals with other seniors in the community. We were thrilled to join DAAS for the launch of this effort in June 2014, and hope to see this program expanded.


Through Supervisor Tang’s role on the Budget Committee at the Board of Supervisors, she has advocated for increased funding to address waiting lists for home meal and grocery deliveries, as well as for congregate lunch programs. Many seniors are homebound, making meal delivery services important for the safety and health of seniors throughout our city. Overall, the Mayor included $7.4 million in new funding over the two-year budget to better serve seniors through addressing the waiting lists for home-delivered meals and supporting services to help seniors age in place. We will continue to work on addressing funding needs to better support seniors in our community.


Find out more:


Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors (CHAMPSS) program:


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