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Increase District 4 early care and education provider participation in Preschool for All program.


Preschool for All (PFA) is a citywide preschool program that offers free and reduced cost preschool – both private and public - for four-year-olds who reside in San Francisco County. Our office has been working to expand PFA to more sites in the Sunset District by tracking the number of PFA sites in the Sunset District and identifying potential locations that may qualify for the program. We will connect these locations with First 5 San Francisco for outreach.


Our office is also exploring ways to support our current childcare providers. Housing costs in the City have skyrocketed, which have impacted providers who work in private homes. In addition, state budget cuts have affected reimbursement rates for our providers. During the budget process for FYs 15-16 and FY16-17, our office successfully advocated for $1.5 million in funding to the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) for Title 5 Operational Grants to backfill state cuts from two years ago. We also supported $500,000 in funding for the Office of Early Care and Education (OECE) to provide more infant/toddler slots. Finally, I joined several of my colleagues in requesting from OECE displacement data of childcare providers from their business locations.


Find out more:


First 5 San Francisco’s Preschool for All Program:


Current locations of PFA sites in the Sunset District:


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